Three Tips for Reaching Your 2024 Goals

January 2, 2024

Three Tips for Reaching Your 2024 Goals

Happy New Year! As we step into 2024, it’s the perfect time to reflect, set meaningful goals, and align our intentions for a year filled with health, happiness, and growth. I’m Jenny, a Registered Dietitian and Certified LEAP Therapist, here to guide you on this journey of setting yourself up for success in the new year to reach your 2024 goals!

Understanding Goals vs. Intentions

What Are Goals?

Goals are specific, measurable targets we set to achieve desired outcomes. They are concrete objectives that guide our actions. Using the SMART framework ensures these goals are clear and attainable. Example: “I will walk on my treadmill for 20 minutes, at least three days per week starting this week.”

What Are Intentions?

Unlike goals, intentions are less about measurable actions and more about the mindset or attitude you want to cultivate. They are guiding principles that align your actions with your values and aspirations. Examples: “I intend to be more present with my loved ones,” or “I aim to cultivate a healthier relationship with food.”

A goal is what you want to DO, and an intention is who you want to BE. You can feel “empty” after achieving a big goal… that’s why intentions are so important! Reflect on your initial intention to see how it relates to the goal you set or just accomplished. Use goals and intentions TOGETHER for best results!

Three Tips for Reaching Your 2024 Goals

Set Clear and Specific Goals with the SMART Framework:

Achieving success starts with setting well-defined goals. Utilize the SMART criteria – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound – to create objectives that are not only clear but also motivating and attainable.

  • Specific: Define your goals with precision. Instead of saying, “I want to be healthier,” specify what ‘healthier’ means for you. Perhaps it’s “I will incorporate a 30-minute workout into my daily routine.”
  • Measurable: Ensure that you can track your progress. If your goal is to improve gut health, consider measurable aspects like symptom reduction or increased energy levels.
  • Achievable: Set realistic goals that challenge you but are still attainable. Unrealistic goals can be discouraging.
  • Relevant: Choose goals that align with your larger life plans and values. If family time is important, consider goals that involve family activities.
  • Time-bound: Give your goals a deadline. This creates a sense of urgency and helps in maintaining focus.

Track Your Progress

Allocating specific times for health-related activities is crucial. Whether it’s for exercise, meal planning, or mindfulness practices, having a structured schedule fosters consistency. Utilizing a planner, either digital or traditional, can be incredibly helpful in tracking your progress and daily routines. Regularly review your planner to adjust and refine your strategy, ensuring it remains aligned with your goals.

Build A Strong Support Network

Having a supportive environment plays a vital role in achieving your health goals. Surround yourself with people who motivate and uplift you, including family, friends, and like-minded individuals. Joining groups or clubs focused on health and wellness can provide additional support and camaraderie. Additionally, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice from health experts like dietitians or fitness trainers, who can offer personalized guidance.

The Restore Program: Your Path to Improved Health

My Restore Program is designed to improve your energy and restore your gut and immune health. It includes the MRT test, seven Nutrition Counseling sessions, and a personalized LEAP elimination diet. Plus, mindful eating practices to heal your relationship with food! Get on the 2024 waitlist here

The Restore Program Client Success Stories:

“First and foremost, since completing the MRT test, following the LEAP elimination diet, and learning and using mindful eating strategies, I have never felt better (both physically and mentally). I am more in tune with how my body reacts to the foods I eat. I have more energy and fewer mood swings. It has been a challenge finding good substitutions for foods I no longer eat. Traveling and eating out have also been challenging. The strategies I have learned through this program have helped me meet those challenges. I believe the changes I have made and the things I have learned are sustainable for life.”

“Since I started this program, I have seen so much change. I have lost about 20 pounds, my stomach doesn’t ache every day, and I have finally found good food that does not upset my stomach after eating! I am grateful that this test was able to show exactly what I am sensitive to so that I have an idea of the correct diet to follow.”

Holiday Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Cooking Class – FREE Resource!

Start your 2024 with our Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Holiday Cooking Class. You’ll get valuable tips and resources, including:

  • The Cooking Class Recording
  • 4 Holiday Recipes
  • Favorite Baking Mixes
  • Ultimate Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free Guides

Access the FREE Cooking Class Here

Mindful Eating Group – Spring 2024: Coming Soon!

Join our upcoming Mindful Eating Group and learn to:

  • Understand different types of hunger
  • Address emotional eating
  • Increase meal satisfaction
  • Practice body acceptance
  • Navigate social eating scenarios
  • Implement mindfulness in your relationship with food

Here’s to a 2024 filled with health, fulfillment, and joy. Let’s make this year one where we nourish our bodies, minds, and spirits in the most holistic ways possible!