
Eggs, omelets, pancakes, breakfast casseroles, and more.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins (Gluten, Dairy & Corn-Free)

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins (Gluten, Dairy & Corn-Free)

Ok, so you all know I love me some chocolate chips.  In our house, we keep a bag of Enjoy Life brand chips in the fridge to easily grab a few we anyone needs a bit of a chocolate fix. Adding the chocolate to these […]

Banana, Oat and Millet Muffins

Banana, Oat and Millet Muffins

These muffins have been a go-to in our house lately.  You guys know that I am a fan of millet and trying to get more VARIETY of foods in our diet. So when I came up with this Banana, Oat and Millet Muffin recipe – […]

Your new smoothie go-to: think BEETS

Your new smoothie go-to: think BEETS

I love beets. I just love them. My five-year-old does too – maybe it’s genetic? Anyway, I love the earthy taste. The bright red texture. I loved them baked, sauteed, and pickled. However, I DO NOT LOVE how they stain my white kitchen when I […]

Oat & Millet Pancakes

Oat & Millet Pancakes

Gluten-free deliciousness, millet is becoming a staple grain in our household. These fiber and nutrient-packed pancakes are a great start to your morning. Make these ahead of time and keep in the fridge for up to a week. Pop in the microwave and top with your favorite toppings – […]