Elimination Diets

January 11, 2019

Elimination Diets

Elimination diets have been used in healthcare to help determine whether or not specific foods or chemicals may be related to your chronic health symptoms. Research has shown that food sensitives can often be the root cause or can be the “fuel to the fire” of chronic health problems like migraines, pain, chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, skin issues, and autoimmune disorders. Generally speaking, during an elimination diet, a suspected food item is removed from the menu, then challenged back in later when or if symptoms improve.

The LEAP protocol makes the elimination diet process more comfortable because it is tailored to you individually! The MRT test measures your body’s immune response to 170 different foods and chemicals. Based on those results, a Certifed LEAP Therapist (like myself) helps create a specific elimination diet plan to avoid those reactive foods and chemicals. This allows your body to heal and for symptoms to improve much quicker than using traditional elimination diet plans.

Using the MRT test and the LEAP diet protocol with my clients has drastically improved their results compared to just using elimination diets alone. On average, my patients have had a 70% improvement in symptoms within the first two weeks while on the LEAP diet protocol. Chronic health symptoms that once required medications and regular medical management are now gone. My clients were able to begin the road to recovery after they found out what foods worked best for their body and adapted mindful practices that work for the long-term.