A Personal Story

October 19, 2020

A Personal Story

What I’m sharing today – I think just about anyone can relate to. I mean, especially this year…..2020 – like what the…. Am I Right?!

We are planners but didn’t see this coming…

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a bit of a planner- so is my husband, probably even more so than me. I didn’t know there was a profession other than registered dietitians that could get more “type A,” but then I married a pharmacist…… I also feel like I have to “do it all.” I’m not sure if it’s my competitive nature or high energy levels, but I really have a hard time resting, slowing down, and taking it all in.

One month out planning birthday parties – check. Menu Plan for the week – even if it’s not written down – check—the timeline to pay off student loans, car & mortgage – check. We’ve even started doing a weekly calendar to help organize all the busyness kids, work, and activities throw at us each week. While working 30 hours a week, seeing private clients, growing a business, and taking care of my family, I felt like I couldn’t stop. But what is that saying – “Life is what happens when you are busy making plans.”

Um, yeah – that couldn’t be more true here the past 5 months, as we found out we were pregnant with twins. Yes, that is two babies. These two amazing miracles, and gifts from God, that we were not really planning on- and honestly didn’t even dream of happening came to. Our future plans for our careers and family had to be reevaluated, and honestly, I didn’t know if I was going to be strong enough to do it all. Then I realized I didn’t have to right now; I need to take a step back and rest and focus.

Why I’m telling you all of this is to let you know that is where I have been the past few months. Healing my body- from all the horrible morning sickness – thanks to a great doctor and with the help from my husband, family, and friends, and focusing on our family’s “new plan” for the future. 😉

What I learned on my break…

Since taking this break, I’ve come to realize two things. One – you don’t have to do it all. (Duh, but why, even after all the craziness of 2020, do we feel like we have to?!) And two – healthful habits established years before I faced this new life challenge have helped.

What are those? Journalling regularly and devotionals, eating foods that nourish my body and my soul, and implementing mindfulness strategies that help improve clarity and decrease stress.

During this break, I thought of things I can do to help others and get through this even more demanding season coming up soon – the holidays. Don’t get me wrong, I love the holidays – but they are stressful – and they can even be more stressful if you have a poor relationship with food and your body.

You don’t have to do the binge-restrict-repeat cycle this holiday.

Do you plan to start the crash dieting come January, after binging on sugar cookies all through November and December- only to feel horrible about yourself after it all?  Trust me, I’ve been there too.  Let’s not do that again!

So as a way to help stop this binge-restrict-repeat cycle AND in the spirit of “not doing it all” (because you will get much more benefit from not just listening to me all the time), I teamed up with a mindful eating yoga instructor!  We will be launching our group class starting October 29th until December 31st, including eight live sessions, handouts, and group dynamics to help you not only survive but thrive this holiday season.

To learn more and join, click here.

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