Quick Pickled Cabbage – Gut-Friendly Recipe

May 28, 2020

Quick Pickled Cabbage – Gut-Friendly Recipe

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BBQ season is among us (FINALLY – has this been like the longest winter/spring season?!)

One way I like to improve the health factor of my meal is that adding something that has fiber and has nutrients that I know will bless my body.

I’m not a fan of eating stuff that you don’t enjoy – so that’s why I am always trying new ways to add some spice and life to normal vegetables that most members might pass on.

The beauty of food

One of my favorite things about this recipe is the color – the bright Fuchsia of this pickled cabbage is beautiful – and appearance, as well as smell and taste, are big factors in why we eat what we eat.

Gut friendly

Two of the main ingredients make this recipe a gut-friendly (thus immune friendly) addition to your burgers and brats.  Those are 1) cabbage and 2) apple cider vinegar.

Health Benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage contains all types of vitamins and minerals our bodies need, but may not be getting enough of. One of my favorite vitamins found in cabbage is vitamin K1 – and if you read my blog post here you learned that vitamin K, especially K2 is something that we are probably not getting enough of from our diet.  Your body can convert a small amount of Vitamin K1 into K2 if needed, and a healthy gut microbiome can also make vitamin K2. Which brings me to my next point….

Cabbage is an excellent source of insoluble and soluble fiber.  Insoluble fiber is what helps you have a regular bowel movement – a big deal if you have ever been constipated!  Soluble fiber is what your good gut bacteria need to THRIVE.  You can take all the probiotics in the world, but if your diet is low in fiber and nutrients, you will gain very little benefit from taking additional supplements and pills.  You might as well be putting your money towards vegetables and nutrient-dense food items.

The beautiful color I was just raving about actually comes from the flavonoid anthocyanin.  Anthocyanin is important for decreasing inflammation in your body as well as promoting heart health – both win, wins in my book.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Did you know that you may have heartburn not because you make too much acid- but that you don’t make enough?!  Apple Cider vinegar aids in your gut health by improving/increasing the stomach acid content of your stomach.  When you the right amount of acid in your stomach you will actually DIGEST your food properly, thus reducing the heartburn or acid reflux symptoms you may be experiencing.

Apple Cider vinegar has also been linked to improving skin health (due to its antimicrobial properties) as well as decreasing inflammation in your body which can help prevent the development of heart disease and diabetes.  Plus many more reported benefits!

Easy to Tailor

You can add really any spice or seasoning to this recipe to make it work for your taste preference and possible food sensitivity need.  Many of my clients can’t tolerate garlic either for LOW FODMAP or food sensitivity reasons.  But two cloves of garlic in this recipe would also be a great addition.

pickled cabbage and hamburger


Gut-Friendly Pickled Cabbage

May 28, 2020
: 20
: 15 min
: 10 min
: Easy


  • 1/2 Head of Red Cabbage
  • 1 1/4 C Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 1/4 C Water
  • 1 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 2 tsp Mustard Seed
  • 1 tsp Peppercorn
  • 1 tsp Caraway
  • 1 - 2 Cloves of Garlic (chopped)
  • Mason Jars (3 - 4 16oz)
  • Food Processor
  • Step 1 Cut cabbage and shred in the food processor. Transfer to a large mixing bowl.
  • Step 2 Add water, vinegar, sugar, salt, and spices to a saucepan.
  • Step 3 Heat over high to medium heat until sugar and salt are dissolved.
  • Step 4 Pour mixture over cabbage and let soak for approx 5 minutes.
  • Step 5 Place cabbage/liquid mixture in mason jars.
  • Step 6 Let cool and refrigerate for at least 2 – 4 hours before serving.
  • Step 7 Cabbage will be good for approx 2 weeks in the fridge.